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Hey there!!
My name is Morgan & I am currently residing in Louisville, Kentucky with my husband and son. I was born and raised in Central Florida. I am a military wife to my beyond amazing husband! We have a sweet little boy who loves all things emergency vehicles and dinosaurs. We have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Yes, corgi butts drive us nuts! 


About Me

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more about me...

I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I ate my feelings growing up. I never really knew how to loose weight, so it felt like it took me an extra long time to get it off. 


I started my weight loss journey back in September 2016 after joining an online accountability group. I decided enough was enough after having my son. I was at the heaviest weight so far in my life. I was uncomfortable. I didn't feel like myself. I needed to work on not just losing weight, but changing my mindset. About everything. Myself, food, and moving my body. Before this I never stuck with working out because I would get discouraged after a month and not stick with it and I would self sabotage. I never knew how much I NEEDED a support system to help me through my weight loss journey. I've found just that and more!!!! 


That was my journey to starting this blog. I started with my weight loss journey, which I wanted to document a bit. I found a balance to my weight loss & my life. I then started crafting again more. I LOVE a good DIY. 


I then decided to switch my blog from mainly food, fitness, & lifestyle to lifestyle blog. More crafts, more recipes, more of ALL of ME, so here we are. Thank you for taking the time to join me. I'm grateful for you being here in my space.!! 



- Morgan Turner

Creator of The Blue-Eyed Owlet Co. Blog


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