Hey there!! Thank you for stumbling upon my page! There will be MORE to come about my life, so stay tuned!
My name is Morgan & I'm currently residing in Louisville, Kentucky! I was born and raised in Florida. I am a military wife to my beyond amazing husband! We have a sweet little boy. He'll be 1 year old on July 3rd. We have a Russian Blue cat and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Yes, corgi butts drive me nuts!

I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I ate my feelings growing up and I always had a hard time getting the weight off. It takes me extra long and a lot of hard work to even get a little bit of weight off. My body for sure adds muscle first then I lose pounds. I started my weight loss journey back in September 2016. I've never stuck with working out because I would get discouraged after a month and not stick with it. I NEEDED a support system to help me through my journey. I've found just that and more!!!! I never realized how much I needed personal development either. Now I read it every day. I'm in a loving, caring, supportive tribe of women & I want you to join me! Wether you need to lose 10 pounds or 100. I want to help YOU!
I want you to feel the FREEDOM that I feel. I want you to start your journey from the inside out. I'm SO grateful that I've finally found something that has not only changed my mindset for the better, but that finally WORKS for me!! 🙌🏻 I've lost 34.5 inches & 23 pounds. I have no plan on stopping now, so join me on this amazing journey, won't you? If you are interested in joining us in our monthly challenge groups, feel free to contact me. You can message me on FB or email me. morgan1311@gmail.com
Thank you for taking the time and liking my page!