Two days before I had my son my grandmother came up from Florida. On Friday my mother and I went and picked her up in Downtown Louisville.

We went to Vietnam Kitchen for dinner. I had delicious Phó, of course.

On Saturday we went to Douglass Loop's Farmer's Market.

After the farmers market, we had lunch down the road on Bardstown Road at Eat A Pita. I had something delicious. haha I can't remember if I had a chicken pita. Everything I've gotten from them is delicious.

My husband and I split some cheesy bacon fries as well.

Then on Sunday, I can remember this day like it was just yesterday. ❤️
I was having contractions sporadically around 10 am. I didn't tell anyone yet because they weren't at all strong or had a pattern like the tell you they're supposed to be. 😒 I told my mom & grandma that I was having period like cramp pains here and there. Well they made Brett & I grab our bags and we all headed to the hospital. (apparently my aunt Sue's had quick labors & they were convinced I was going to too. They were right😘😂) I got admitted at around 2:30 pm. That's when the contractions became stronger and faster. My blood pressure was up so they decided that they were going to keep us for a little bit just in case.

They moved us to our birthing room.

Around 7 pm, I finally decided that I was going to get some pain killers when my water decided to break on it's own. The nurses told me to stop pushing because the doctor on call wasn't here yet. I remember telling them "well my body is pushing him out, I can't just stop!" Doctor Boyd finally came in, ten minutes later Oliver was born at 7:26 pm.

I can't believe our little sack of potato is 1 year old today!!! Already!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday baby boy!!! Mom & dad love you more than you'll ever know! We don't know what we did without you, our hearts are complete with you. ❤️👪