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Setting myself up for success: in the kitchen...

I follow a portion container system which has helped me SO much. I used to think I was over eating, but in reality I wasn't eating enough of the foods I should be eating. I was also indulging in food that were so bad for me like cupcakes and cakes....basically self sabotaging and not realizing it. I'm so thankful I started this journey, which helps me focus on my nutrition.

I had a few different vegetables in the fridge and pantry, so I decided that I was going to roast some vegetables. I haven't been eating enough fruit or vegetables, so I decided to take action. I wanted to roast veggies way I could set myself up for success for the next week. Sunday my husband and I ran to Aldi. I got a butternut squash and zucchini. I've never cut a butternut squash before. That was an adventure... Yesterday I had a pretty busy day. We had a doctors appointment in the morning, laundry to fold, dishes, and other things to do around the house, but roasting my vegetables was on my list.

I had to look up how to cut up a butternut squash because I had NO idea. I had to use my knife instead of a peeler like they suggested. My little peeler wasn't working, so I improvised. I heated up the oven to 400 degrees. I grabbed my baking sheets and covered them in aluminum foil. I put my veggies on the sheets then covered the veggies with EVOO, salt, and pepper. That's all I do to the vegetables any time I roast them.

I put the zucchini on a separate baking sheet because it has a separate baking time and the carrots and butternut squash on the other sheet. I have a vegetable baking time cheat sheet on my phone that I found on Pinterest. It's my favorite. I cut everything up into bite size pieces and spread it onto the baking sheet evenly. You need to cut them about the same size, that way they all cook evenly. I put both baking sheets in the oven. I set the timer to 15 minutes for the zucchini and took it out when the timer went off. I closed the oven back up, after I took out the zucchini, and set the timer for another 10 minutes for the carrot and butternut squash.

I portioned all of my vegetables with my portion containers. I used the green vegetable container. I ended up using two green portion containers for each tubber wear container. (btw I kept wanting to call the butternut squash a spaghetti squash! HA)

Now I have a couple snacks ready to eat or a side dish for dinner!!!!!!

Every month I run an accountability support group where we learn how to love our bodies. We work on our nutrition, workout, and SO much more. I am here to help you start your journey and love of nutrition. I only focus on helping a small amount of women, that way I can help you with all of my energy, so if you're interested in joining my tribe send me an email. I'm here for you.


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